Learning how to make more money as a personal trainer requires a bit of creativity?

And the great thing about the fitness industry is that it provides many professions within the industry the opportunity to be creative.

With obesity rates climbing the way they are, this provides those looking to become personal trainers, a chance to monetize on this opportunity.

But to be honest, making money as a personal trainer is a lot harder than you think. Especially if you’re someone that is just getting started.

A big reason for this is that building up your clientele can take time, and thus so will your earnings.

Below I provide a list of ways anyone getting started in the fitness industry can make a decent living.

And if you’re someone that’s looking to start your own personal training business, I plan on providing you with an opportunity to learn on how to get started.

But first, let’s start off with my list of ways to make more money as a personal trainer.

1.Build A Website

This is definitely my favorite way to make money due to the mindset I have when it comes to business.

Not only that, but in today’s world, having a website is a must for the long term viability of any business.

Just look at many of the retail stores that seem to be closing down since most people make purchases through the internet.

So unless you have a website, you will be missing out on a great opportunity to earn great income.


As a personal trainer, i’m sure you’re trying to think of ways in which your personal training business could benefit from the use of a website.

My response to that is, personal training isn’t the only way in which you could make money if you had a website.

Some Benefits To Having a Website

  • Can service more people with less effort
  • Every year more and more people are using the internet
  • Can build passive income

As someone who is currently certified, I saw the fitness industry as a great opportunity to make money other than just training clients.

I looked at it as a opportunity to help solve problems of those struggling with their health.

The method I found that works well with having a website was promoting products and services that people are interested in buying.

And if people tried out these product and services through my site, I would receive a nice commission on it.

Now does that sound like something that would interest you?

I’m sure it would. Which is why getting the right education and training is crucial to building a successful online business.

And learning how to build a website is a great way to start.

2. Become an Independent Trainer

If you plan on making real money as a personal trainer, working at commercial gym isn’t the best way to go.

Yea it’s a great way to get started if you’re new to personal training.

But if you’re looking to have more control over what you make, becoming an independent training allows you for many opportunities to do so.

Compared to someone that is an employee at a commercial gym or private facility.

If you think about it, if you’re someone that is an employee, you pretty much have zero control of how much money you make outside of bonuses.

And in order to make good money, personal trainers have to be very creative.

The best way to allow yourself to be creative is by becoming independent. You pretty much can determine the rates you charge your clients which is key.

Just keep in mind that getting started as an independent trainer isn’t easy. But if you’re creative enough, you can definitely make it work.

3. Host Boot Camps

It’s important to understand that not everyone will be able to afford 1 on 1 personal training from you.

So you will need to learn how to find ways to train these individuals at a more affordable cost. And the best way to do that is by hosting boot camps. 

Not only can boot camps be more affordable to many of your clients, but research has shown that many prefer exercising in groups.

So it’s important to make sure you accommodate your training for those that prefer this method.

In terms of the earning potential one could make hosting boot camps, let’s do some simple math.

Instead of charging one client $80 for an entire hour, imagine charging 5 clients $20. You pretty much made $20 more in that same hour you would training one client.

So it helps to have this versatility so that you’re not missing out an opportunity to increase your earnings.

4. Offer In Home Personal Training

Not everyone is a fan of exercising at the gym, so it may be a good idea to have equipment ready just in case you need to service your clients in their homes.

Many times clients like these pay very well for you to train them at their homes, so this is a great opportunity to make some good money.

However, working with clients like these aren’t always easy to find.

Depending on the area your live in, you can find a community of clients looking for someone to train them in their homes.

You just have to make sure you find the right clientele.

5. Provide Meal Plans and Personalized Workouts

One of the biggest issues when it comes to getting in shape is knowing what exercises to do, and what food you should eat.

So for those that aren’t looking to spend a lot of money on a trainer, offer them personalized meal plans and workouts.

This can be a great way to supplement your personal training business since many people need a bit of guidance when it comes to knowing how to live a healthier lifestyle.

Also, this can be something you can add to your website if you decided to go that route.

There are many people that have software programs to help set that up on their website, so that is something definitely worth considering.

Why Having A Website Is a Must In Today’s World of Business

If you haven’t noticed by now, but every year more and more people are using the internet as a way to find solutions to their problems.

Not only that, but research has shown that more people are making purchases online rather than actual brick and mortar stores.

So if you are someone that is looking to start a business, regardless if you sell product or not, having a business is crucial to the sustainability of it.

But as a personal trainer, how can having a website help grow your business?

Whether you’re new to personal training, or someone that has been doing it for years now, you should know that personal training shouldn’t be your only source of revenue.

The reason being is that you’re only make money when your training.

That can leave quite a bit of inconsistent when it comes to figuring out how much money you will be making each month.

And as you get older, the less energy you will have to train clients.

So if you’re serious about making real money in the fitness industry, then it helps to learn how to find ways to supplement your personal training business.

And having a website is a great way to capitalize on the growing trend of internet use.

How To Make Money Online

Many people think making money online is difficult. But if you understand how it all works, then you’ll come to find that it really is a simple process.

And with the right education and training, you can learn how to create a successful online business.

Below are some keys to building an online business:

  • Choosing an interest
  • Build a website
  • Generate traffic
  • Earn revenue

Those four keys may not make sense to you now, but after you’ve gone through training, this 4 step process will make all the sense in the world. But it all starts with the proper training.

Where To Get The Best Education and Training

Like you, I also had no idea on how to build an online business.

But once I got the right training, I was able to find a way to supplement my personal training business and increase my earnings.

So if you’re interested in learning how to use the internet as a way to make more money, then I suggest you start by learning how to make money online through affiliate marketing.

This is how many people new to making money online start off.


So I want to hear from you. What do think about my list on the best way to make money as a personal trainer?

Are these methods you feel you can implement into your business? How do you feel about the internet and the way people are using it now to make purchases?

Please feel free to share your thoughts and opinions below.

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